Saturday, 13 November 2010

A photo post

I have some photos for you today:

This ISN'T our appartment but one identical. We're bottom left and the French doors open into our lounge:

Off to check on our letter box (which is at the entrance of the residential area and a good 7-8 minutes' walk from the appartment. Note the MOOSE on the blanket!

Our loan fridge/freezer:

The range (note the small bottle of water to give you an idea of the size!)

"When in Rome, do as the Romans".... Therefore...


and also

Victoriaville is a very green city. There are biodegradeable/enviromentally-friendly/recycled products everywhere. The following is a photo of food waste bags. They are made of brown paper, are leak and odour proof and make life easier/cleaner/safer for the people who work at the rubbish refuse places (or whatever they're called). Oh, and the bin doesn't smell either!

My Walmart slippers:

Another update coming soon! 

1 comment:

  1. You could have aparty in that fridge,like the appartment.
