Sunday, 27 February 2011

We went for a walk this afternoon, by the reservoir/lake which is about 500 metres from our appartment.
It has been frozen since late December but today was the first time we went to see what it was like. Indiana and I walked on the lake, mainly because Indiana shot off and I had to run after her!

Here are some photos! It's impossible to tell where the grass stops and the lake begins...

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Snowy Days!

It has been snowing quite a lot recently. Unfortunately though, Indiana has been quite poorly. What started off as a cold, then turned to bronchitis and finally to 'flu and an ear infection. Luckily though she has antibiotics which have made her feel a lot better. So we've finally been able to get out and have some fun!!

On Saturday night it snowed and by morning we had a foot of snow, literally:

The appartments opposite ours:

The snow piled up at the end of the carpark:

The pickup (sometimes it's a tractor) who came to dig us out that morning:

Yay!! Finally I get to play outside!!

It's too deep! I'm stuck!!!! 

Daddy I wanna help dig the car out!!

After a snowball fight.....!

And one for the album: